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SNOW AND AVALANCHE FORECAST NATIONAL SERVICE italian french german english spagnolo russian
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Meeting program

The four-days meeting has been structured as follows; the first day participants'registration and start poster session, two days devoted to presentation and debate in avalanche prediction settings and a third day (optional) for a field trip. A poster session will be held during coffee breaks and during the attendants' registration on the 4th June. Further program updates (sessions, speakers timetable, chairperson...) will be updated in the coming weeks.

The official language of the meeting will be English. Simultaneous translation in Italian and in English will be provided.

Click here to download the printable version of the program

14:00 - 18:00

Participants' registration and poster sessions

Topics for the poster sessions:

  • Avalanche forecasting;
  • 'Remote sensing, model and in-situ data fusion for snowpack parameters and related hazards in a climate change perspective (Proiect SEE - SnowBall RO14-0011)' - [Stancalie, G., Solberg, R., Gogu, R.C., MatreaĹŁa, M., and Voiculescu, M., - Romanian National Meteorological Adimin., Norwegian Computing Center, Tech. Univ. Civil Eng. Romania, Nat. Inst. Hydrology and Water Management; West Univ. Timisoara - Romania];

    'ALURTE avalanche danger bulletin 2014/15 - First Winter season' - [Hurtado, R., and Huelin Rueda, P., - ALURTE - Canfranc - Spain];

    Avalanche Problems - [Valt, M., - ARPA Veneto, Arabba Avalanche Centre - AINEVA - Italy];

    'Precipitation type identification - the operational algorithm in ARPA Piemonte based on weather radar and NWP data' - [Campana, V., Cremonini, R., Bechini, R., Gaeta, A.R., Raccanelli, I., Prola, M.C., and Barbero, S. - ARPA Piemonte - Italy];

    "Snow-avalanche hazard evaluation in the Ligurian ski resorts (Italy)' - [Brandolini, P., Faccini, F., Fratianni, S., Freppaz, M., Giardino, M., Lazzeri, R., Maggioni, M., and Romeo, V., - Univ. Genoa, Univ. Turini, METEOMONT - Italy];

    "Mountain Weather Forecasting At CMR Milano Linate" - [Villa, D., Reina, C., Ajello, C., and Ferrai, G., - Italian Air Force Meteorological Service C.M.R. - Centro Meteorologico Regionale Milano Linate - METEOMONT - Italy].

  • Communication, new media and bulletins;
  • 'User rating of the Swiss avalanche forecast - part 1 - Effect of the new bulletin-structure' - [Winkler, K., and Techel, F., - WSL-SLF - Switzerland];

    'User rating of the Swiss avalanche forecast - part 2 - Bulletin user analysis' - [Winkler, K., and Techel, F., - WSL-SLF - Switzerland];

    'Towards a European ATES platform' - [Gavalda, J., Moner, I., Bacardit Penarroya, M., - Centre de Lauegi d'Aran - Spain];

    'SnowTerm - a thesaurus on snow and ice' - [Plini, P., Salvatori, R., Valt, M., De Santis, V., and Di Franco, S., Nat. Res. Council of Italy - Inst. Atmospheric Pollution Research; ARPA Veneto - Arabba Avalanche Centre - Italy];

    'Piedmont seasonal weather, snow and avalanche report @ a glance' - [Pelosini, R., Nicolella, M., Renier, L., Prola, M.C., Faletto, M., Solero, E., and Viglietti, D. - ARPA Piemonte - Italy];

    'New media product in Piemonte - the avalanche bulletin video' - [Prola, M.C., Faletto, M., Viglietti, D., Solero, E., Saladin, A., and Barbera, E., - ARPA Piemonte - Italy];

    The new Italian snow and avalanche App for Android and iOS in English language - [METEOMONT - Italy];

    The Italian State snow and avalanche bulletin - new structure and organization of the information translated in five languages - [METEOMONT - Italy].

  • Data collection and exchange;
  • Collecting snow measurements with Ushahidi - ARPA Piemonte experience 2014-2015' - [Cremonini, R., Gaeta, A.R., Solero, E., Pispico, R., Faletto, M., Prola, M.C. and Barbero, S., - ARPA Piemonte - Italy];

    Snow avalanche measurements and risk estimation - a balance at the end of ten seasons' - [Milian, N., - National Admin. Meteorology - Romania];' [Salvatori, R., and Valt, M., - Nat. Res. Council of Italy - Inst. Atmospheric Pollution Research - Italy];

    GeoAvalanche - A snow avalanche spatial data infrastructure in the cloud' - [Bartoli, F., - CTO Geobeyond Srl - Italy].

  • Civil protection, risk forecasting.
  • 'Safer winter trips in Romania - avalanche risk forecasting and protection' - [Milian, N., and David, A. - National Admin. Meteorology Romania; Sibiu Mountain Rescue Team - Romania]

    'Local forecasting for avalanche danger on mountain roads N330 and A2606' - [Hurtado, R., and Huelin Rueda, P., - ALURTE - Canfranc - Spain];

    'From avalanche hazard to avalanche risk - a method for the evaluation of vulnerability and the Lombard Continuous Matrix' - [Valsecchi, I.Q., Cucchi, A., and Hagos, S., - UO Civil Protection Lombardia Region - Italy and Progesi Group BV-Tech - Italy];

    'Recreational avalanche accidents in Switzerland' - [Techel, F., and Zweifel, B., - WSL-SLF - Switzerland];

    The National snow and avalanche monitoring network for the Civil Protection: an example of collaboration between State and Regional Services - [METEOMONT - Italy].

  • Sponsor corner.
  • 'Nivexc: an electronic snow-pole for real-time monitoring of avalanche starting zones'.
    'High Resolution Laser for measuring snow depth' (Georg Heinemann, G. Lufft GmbH | Optical Sensors | Berlin Office).

    Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting duration and will be presented during the coffee breaks.


EAWS WG DINNER (Euro 30,00)

09:00 - 9:30

Meeting opening and institutional greetings chairperson: Vincenzo Romeo - General Manager of METEOMONT

Cesare Patrone - Head of the Italian State Forestry Corps

Daniela Piccoli - Director of METEOMONT Division

Silvano Gandino - METEOMONT Manager - Alpine Troops Command

Domenico Nappi - METEOMONT - Italian Air Force National Meteorological Service

Gloria Marti i Domenech - EAWS Deputy

Igor Chiambretti - EAWS Coordinator

09:30 - 10:40

Session 1

Avalanche danger problems (chairperson: Rudi Mair - LWD Tirol)

1) General overview of past experiences:

Patrick Nairz LWD Tirol

Thomas Stucki SLF

Solveig Kosberg Ovstedal NVE


2) An introduction to discussion and proposal (Igor Chiambretti - AINEVA - EAWS WG coordinator);

3) 1st Proposal (Mauro Valt - ARPAV CVA - AINEVA);

4) 2nd Proposal (Vincenzo Romeo - METEOMONT).

10:40 - 11:00

Coffee break and poster session

11:00 - 11:25

Discussion and deliberation (Session 1)

11:25 - 11:35

Sponsor speach

11:35 - 12:20

Session 2

Avalanche forecasting problems: full depth slab avalanches, gliding avalanches, wet snow avalanches, slush flows(chairperson: Karl Klassen - Avalanche Canada)

1) Overview on North America approach (Karl Klassen - Avalanche Canada);

2) Full depth slab avalanches and gliding avalanches, past experience examples (Patrick Nairz - LWD Tirol);

3) Wet snow avalanches and gliding avalanches, past experience examples (Frank Techel- WSL-SLF);

4) Glide events analysis in Slovakia (Biskupic Marek and Kyzek Filip - Avalanche Prevention Center - Slovakia).

12:20 - 13:50


13:50 - 14:20

Discussion and deliberation

14:20 - 14:30

Sponsor speach

14:30 - 15:20

Session 3

EAWS regulations (chairperson: Mark Diggins - Scottish Avalanche Information Service)

14:30 - 14:50

Regulation illustration (Igor Chiambretti - AINEVA - EAWS WG coordinator).

14:50 - 15:20

Discussion and deliberation (Session 3)

15:20 - 15:40

Coffee break and poster session

15:40 - 16:40

Session 4

Local versus regional forecast(chairperson: Christoph Mitterer - LWD Bayern)

Experiences and problems:

1) Local forecast at Livigno (Fabiano Monti - ALPsolut);

2) Local forecast in Norway, problems and possible solutions derived by such experience (Peter Gauer - NGI);

3) European Avalanche Danger Scale and local forecast - use and abuse (Peter Gauer - NGI);

4) French experience with a focus on the problem of the information towards the off-piste skiers (Cecile Coleou - Meteo France);

5) Twelve years of local avalanche forecasting in Val d'Aran highways - An example of merging local and regional forecast (Jordi Gavalda - Aran Avalanche Center);

6) Local Versus Regional Forecasting - Observations from The Scottish Avalanche Information Service - (Mark Diggins - SAIS).

16:40 - 17:00

Discussion and deliberation (Session 4)

17:00 - 17:30

Session 5

Data exchange, encoding standards, CAAML, EAWS website(chairperson: Cecile Coleou - Meteo France)

General overview:

1) CAAML, SnowProfile, Accidents, EAWS website (Patrick Nairz - LWD Tirol);

2) Encouraging snow data sharing: an algorithm for unmanned validation of automatic snow depth measurements (Mattia Faletto - ARPA Piemonte - AINEVA);

3) COST Action (Samule Morin - Meteo France);

17:30 - 17:40

Discussion and deliberation (Session 5)

19:30 - 20:30

Guided Tour in the old town centre of Rome (1h)(Euro 12,00)


GALA DINNER in the old town (Euro 35,00)

09:00 - 09:20

Session 6

Avalanche size scale(chairperson: Thomas Stucki - SLF)

1) Avalanche size scale, a proposal (Ernesto Crescenzi - METEOMONT);

2) Avalanche size scale - AINEVA's forecasters considerations (Stefano Sofia - CF Regione Marche - AINEVA);

3) WG report and proposal (Muller Karsten - NVE).

09:20 - 10:00

Discussion and deliberation (Session 6)

10:00 - 10:20

Coffee break and poster session

10:20 - 12:20

Session 7

Bavarian Matrix, Avalanche Danger Scale, Icons(chairperson: Gloria Marti i Domenech - ICGC - EAWS deputy)

1) No rating / No snow icons (Paola Dellavedova - UNV Aosta Valley - AINEVA);

2) New icons - considerations (Ernesto Crescenzi - METEOMONT);

3) Danger level scale and Bavarian Matrix - AINEVA's forecasters considerations (AINEVA);

4) Renaming the Danger Levels (Rudi Mair - LWD Tirol);

5) WG report and proposal (Thomas Stucki - SLF).

12:20 - 13:50


13:50 - 14:10

Discussion and deliberation (Session 7)

14:10 - 15:15

Conclusions(chairpersons: Vincenzo Romeo - METEOMONT)

14:10 - 14:30

Igor Chiambretti - AINEVA-EAWS WG coordinator

14:30 - 14:55

Elections - Gloria Marti i Domenech - ICGC - EAWS deputy

14:55 - 15:15

Summarization; next EAWS-conference - Igor Chiambretti - AINEVA-EAWS WG coordinator; Gloria Marti i Domenech - ICGC - EAWS deputy

07:00 - 18:00

Field Trip to the Gran Sasso Area (Apennines Mountains - Abruzzo Region)

Gran Sasso

Gran Sasso, is a mountain area inside the Grans Sasso (L'AQUILA) and Monti della Laga National Park with a unique wealth of nature and landscape and it is a well-known winter and summer tourism area. It is located in the Central Apennines and it is the highest massif of the range (Corno Grande is the maximum elevation of 2912 m) with an extension of 50 by 40 km. It hosts the southernmost glacier in Europe (Calderone glacier) despite its proximity to Rome.

The State Forestry Corps (CFS) will organize a coach (minimum 15 participants) to visit the area. The schedule for the field trip is as follows:


Meeting point at METEOMONT - CFS headquarters in Rome (Via XX Settembre n. 20)


Departure from Rome to Gran Sasso (L'AQUILA)


Start of the hike and visit to the area (2:00 h)


Arrival at Calderone Glacier


Departure from Gran Sasso area to Rome


Arrival at Rome (METEOMONT CFS headquarters)


The goal of the visit is to show you the geological, climatic, meteorological, snow cover and avalanches characteristics of Gran Sasso area and the Calderone glacier.

The Vegetation of the Gran Sasso. A brief guide to the vegetation in the areas crossed by the excursion.

Notes on the nivoclimatologic and avalanches features in the Gran Sasso d'Italia Massif

Equipment and gear for the field trip: backpack, wind jacket, hiking boots, packed lunch.

The trail will start at the upper station of the cable car (cable car ride will be at the expense of participants - cost 15 Euro round trip).

Tas Pantone
G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
Eventi EXPO2015

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