- Avalanche forecasting;
'Remote sensing, model and in-situ data fusion for snowpack parameters and related hazards
in a climate change perspective (Proiect SEE - SnowBall RO14-0011)' - [Stancalie, G., Solberg,
R., Gogu, R.C., MatreaĹŁa, M., and Voiculescu, M., - Romanian National Meteorological Adimin.,
Norwegian Computing Center, Tech. Univ. Civil Eng. Romania, Nat. Inst. Hydrology and Water
Management; West Univ. Timisoara - Romania];
'ALURTE avalanche danger bulletin 2014/15 - First Winter season' - [Hurtado, R., and Huelin
Rueda, P., - ALURTE - Canfranc - Spain];
Avalanche Problems - [Valt, M., - ARPA Veneto, Arabba Avalanche Centre - AINEVA - Italy];
'Precipitation type identification - the operational algorithm in ARPA Piemonte based on
weather radar and NWP data' - [Campana, V., Cremonini, R., Bechini, R., Gaeta, A.R.,
Raccanelli, I., Prola, M.C., and Barbero, S. - ARPA Piemonte - Italy];
"Snow-avalanche hazard evaluation in the Ligurian ski resorts (Italy)' - [Brandolini, P., Faccini,
F., Fratianni, S., Freppaz, M., Giardino, M., Lazzeri, R., Maggioni, M., and Romeo, V., - Univ.
Genoa, Univ. Turini, METEOMONT - Italy];
"Mountain Weather Forecasting At CMR Milano Linate" - [Villa, D., Reina, C., Ajello, C., and
Ferrai, G., - Italian Air Force Meteorological Service C.M.R. - Centro Meteorologico Regionale
Milano Linate - METEOMONT - Italy].
- Communication, new media and bulletins;
'User rating of the Swiss avalanche forecast - part 1 - Effect of the new bulletin-structure' -
[Winkler, K., and Techel, F., - WSL-SLF - Switzerland];
'User rating of the Swiss avalanche forecast - part 2 - Bulletin user analysis' - [Winkler, K., and
Techel, F., - WSL-SLF - Switzerland];
'Towards a European ATES platform' - [Gavalda, J., Moner, I., Bacardit Penarroya, M., - Centre
de Lauegi d'Aran - Spain];
'SnowTerm - a thesaurus on snow and ice' - [Plini, P., Salvatori, R., Valt, M., De Santis, V., and
Di Franco, S., Nat. Res. Council of Italy - Inst. Atmospheric Pollution Research; ARPA Veneto -
Arabba Avalanche Centre - Italy];
'Piedmont seasonal weather, snow and avalanche report @ a glance' - [Pelosini, R., Nicolella,
M., Renier, L., Prola, M.C., Faletto, M., Solero, E., and Viglietti, D. - ARPA Piemonte - Italy];
'New media product in Piemonte - the avalanche bulletin video' - [Prola, M.C., Faletto, M.,
Viglietti, D., Solero, E., Saladin, A., and Barbera, E., - ARPA Piemonte - Italy];
The new Italian snow and avalanche App for Android and iOS in English language -
[METEOMONT - Italy];
The Italian State snow and avalanche bulletin - new structure and organization of the
information translated in five languages - [METEOMONT - Italy].
- Data collection and exchange;
Collecting snow measurements with Ushahidi - ARPA Piemonte experience 2014-2015' -
[Cremonini, R., Gaeta, A.R., Solero, E., Pispico, R., Faletto, M., Prola, M.C. and Barbero, S., -
ARPA Piemonte - Italy];
Snow avalanche measurements and risk estimation - a balance at the end of ten seasons' -
[Milian, N., - National Admin. Meteorology - Romania];
www.snowcrystals.it' [Salvatori, R., and Valt, M., - Nat. Res. Council of Italy - Inst.
Atmospheric Pollution Research - Italy];
GeoAvalanche - A snow avalanche spatial data infrastructure in the cloud' - [Bartoli, F., - CTO
Geobeyond Srl - Italy].
- Civil protection, risk forecasting.
'Safer winter trips in Romania - avalanche risk forecasting and protection' - [Milian, N., and
David, A. - National Admin. Meteorology Romania; Sibiu Mountain Rescue Team - Romania]
'Local forecasting for avalanche danger on mountain roads N330 and A2606' - [Hurtado, R.,
and Huelin Rueda, P., - ALURTE - Canfranc - Spain];
'From avalanche hazard to avalanche risk - a method for the evaluation of vulnerability and
the Lombard Continuous Matrix' - [Valsecchi, I.Q., Cucchi, A., and Hagos, S., - UO Civil
Protection Lombardia Region - Italy and Progesi Group BV-Tech - Italy];
'Recreational avalanche accidents in Switzerland' - [Techel, F., and Zweifel, B., - WSL-SLF -
The National snow and avalanche monitoring network for the Civil Protection: an example of
collaboration between State and Regional Services - [METEOMONT - Italy].
- Sponsor corner.
'Nivexc: an electronic snow-pole for real-time monitoring of avalanche starting zones'.
'High Resolution Laser for measuring snow depth' (Georg Heinemann, G. Lufft GmbH | Optical Sensors | Berlin Office).
Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting duration and will be presented during the coffee breaks.