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Useful information for off-piste activities
All human activities, even the simplest, have a certain risk level, therefore null risk doesn't exist.
Those who love mountains are generally aware of the risks related to the practice of outdoor activities, but this awareness must not implies unnecessary and avoidable risks, especially when these could have serious consequences for us and for the others.
Risk prevention is an institutional Meteomont Service activity. As following you can find anduseful advices addressed to all mountain and outdoor activities lovers:
[1] Know yourself: outdoor activities should always be commensurate to your technical and psycho-physical skills including your own experience;
[2] Be aware: before undertaking any activity be informed on weather and snow conditions, both forecasted and in real time: a basic information tool is the weather and snow forecast bulletin;
[3] Be trained: appropriate equipment greatly reduce the dangers dangers that could occur in the practice of outdoor activities; ARVA, SHOVEL and PROBE for off-pistes skiing and hiking are required;
[4] Evaluate: the following environmental factors can increase the degree of avalanche danger:
Wind and temperature;
Terrain slope (between 27° and 45°);
Slope aspects;
[5] Surrender: who loves and respects the mountain has the courage to give up when there are risks for himsel/herself or other hiker/skiers.
conduct to keep
[1] Wear A.R.VA, and check its function before starting any activity.
[2] Move along the slopes and ridges, using safe points in the grounds, as rocks, level terrain and trees.
[3] Keep away from lee sides dominated from cornices.
[4] Consider unsafe areas open slopes and leveled fields, or those which have sudden change of inclination and couloir.
[5] In case of instability conditions of the snow cover, keep away from steep slopes more than 30°.
[6] Avoid crossing of open slopes going up or down along the steep slope line.
[7] Cross the slope as high as possible to avoid any possibility of danger of avalanche.
[8] The climb and the descend of a couloir must be taken always uprightly and along edges. In case of avalanche the snow usually remains in the central terrain and could be easier to find an escape route laterally.
[9] Keep off crossing of the suspected areas that flow into crevasses, stony outcrops or other hidden dangers.
[10] The old traces are not an indicator of safety because, in the meantime, the avalanche situation can be changed.
[11] The traces of animal have no guarantee of safety.